The Nexis Web Wallet enables you to create a Nexis Wallet directly from your browser without the need for any extensions. It provides a range of functionalities, including token transfers, account creation, and the ability to export and import accounts using JSON format.

Visit to access the Nexis Web Wallet.


  • Account Creation: Easily create a new Nexis Wallet account directly from your browser.
  • Backup and Restore: Create a backup of your account and restore it using JSON format.
  • Token Transfers: Send NZT tokens to other users effortlessly.
  • Transaction History: View and track the history of your token transactions.


Creating a new account

The following screenshot demonstrates how easy it is to create a new account using the Nexis Web Wallet. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to set up your new wallet.

Accessing created accounts

Once you’ve created an account, you can easily access it from the main interface. The screenshot below shows the list of accounts you’ve created and how to switch between them.

Logged in view

This screenshot illustrates the logged-in view of the Nexis Web Wallet. From here, you can manage your accounts, view balances, and initiate transactions.

Wallet Dashboard

The Wallet Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your wallet’s activities. You can see your account balance, recent transactions, and other relevant information at a glance.