Follow this guide to setup Nexis RPC on Devnet, You can do the same on Mainnet once it is live.


  • Nexis CLI
  • System should be tuned

If any of the above requirements are not met, follow from the following:

Change Nexis CLI configurations

Run the following command to point to devnet

nexis config set --url
Once the Mainnet will be live you will have to set the configuration to use mainnet native rpc url instead of this one

Generate the keypairs

  1. Validator keypair
   nexis-keygen new -o ~/validator-keypair.json

Fund Validator address

nexis airdrop 10 ~/validator-keypair.json

Start validator

Now run the following command to start the validator

nexis-validator \
        --known-validator 5vXaeXtVESpVsA15L4cnce2ZMXvNEVDwfseY34VVK6EB \
        --known-validator HnTZjQX7xUp3hyVACB8FeAdAE3MDAdUUBcVDxFSJpYbZ \
        --entrypoint \
        --expected-shred-version 30005 \
        --expected-genesis-hash 8EXN9mquvw6otwQFBJpCed4nk3aM774SPxQjhosDA44U \
         --only-known-rpc \
        --full-rpc-api \
        --no-voting \
        --identity ~/validator-keypair.json \
        --ledger ~/ledger/ \
        --rpc-bind-address \
        --private-rpc \
        --dynamic-port-range 8000-10000 \
        --rpc-port 8899 \
        --log ~/nexis-validator.log \
        --no-poh-speed-test \
        --wal-recovery-mode skip_any_corrupted_record \
        --limit-ledger-size 50000000

Voila! Your RPC Node is running now, wait for few minutes and it should be started on port 8899.